Jayakarta Block 'A' Residents Association - HGB Title Extension
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Downloadable Documents & Online Forms

1. December 2012 Correspondence A copy of the letter sent out by Michael Ashurst in December 2012 to Residents Association members at their last known or indicated address.

The letter includes the following:
- Background to and requirements for the HGB land title extension process
- A copy of the power of attorney
- Details of special resolution issues
- The owner contact sheet (NB: contact details can either be submitted online, or downloaded and emailed to Michael Ashurst; refer below)

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2. May 2013 Update Document Meeting minutes from the Management Council (Pengurus) re: Change of Name of the HGB Title Holder for the Jayakarta Block A Land

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View/Download Document (Bahasa)
Online Owner Contact Sheet As communicated in recent correspondence (refer to #1 above), completion and return of the Owner Contact Sheet is very important.

You have 2 options to complete and return this information:

Option 1 - Online Form

By completing this online form, your details will automatically be forwarded to Michael Ashurst.

If you have multiple apartments under the same legal owner/beneficial owner structure please list them all under 'Apartment Number(s)'. However, if the legal owner/beneficial owner structure differs between apartments, please complete and submit the form for each individual apartment.

1. Apartment Information:
Apartment Number(s):
2. Legal Owner Information (Name on Certificate):
Mail Address:
Email Address:
Mobile Phone Number:
Land Line Number:
3. Beneficial Owner Information (Only if different from (2) above):
Mail Address:
Email Address:
Mobile Phone Number:
Land Line Number:

Option 2 - Microsoft Word Document

Download and complete the attached MS Word Document and email it to Michael Ashurst (Michael@HGBExtension.com)

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