Jayakarta Block 'A' Residents Association - HGB Title Extension
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May 2013 On 4 May 2013 the Management Council (Pengurus) held a meeting regarding the Change of Name of the HGB Title Holder for the Jayakarta Block A Land.

Click here to view the meeting minutes
(available in English and Bahasa)
January 2013 Michael Ashurst sent a letter out to all Residents Association members at their last known or indicated address, outlining the background to and requirements for the HGB land title extension process. Click here to view a copy of the letter.

Attached to that letter was a blank Owner Contact Sheet for completion by each legal / beneficial owner. Click here to view/submit the form.

Completion and return of the Owner Contact Sheet is very important. In many cases, the current contact details of apartment owners are very uncertain. Every owner / member of the Residents Association has the right and should be allowed to vote on matters related to the HGB Land Title Extension. For this to be possible, valid contact details are needed for every owner.

Next Steps - Once there is confidence in the ability to communicate individually with each owner (or, at least, with most of them) information will be sent out regarding a Special Resolution on the HGB land title extension. This Special Resolution will be put on the agenda of an Annual General Meeting, to be called by the Management Council (Pengurus) when appropriate.